ALES power plant is located in Çine organized industrial zone , in Aydın city (located on the eagean cost of Turkey). It is a combined cycle natural gas fired power plant with a power output capacity of 62 MWe. The project was completed in two phases ; the simple cycle was comissionined in December 2012 and the combined cycle was comissioned in April 2013 and it is in commercial operation since then. The gas turbined is a GE LM6000 PC type, combined with an Aalborg type HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) and an GE Thermodyn Steam Turbine. I was the acting project and construction manager for this complex and challenging engineering project, with civil architectural, electrical and mechanical components. The principle scheme of the plant is as seen below,

The main components of the plant are as follows;
Gas Turbine : GE LM6000 PC (49 MWe)
Gas Turbine Generator : BRUSH 11.5 kV
Sprint, NOX and evaporative cooling system available
HRSG : Aalborg heat recovery steam generator 2 pressure stage (HP and LP)
HP Steam at 58 bars, 437oC, 45 ton/h
LP Steam at 4.1 bars, 227oC, 18 ton/h
Steam Turbine : GE Thermodyn 6-7 MC9 13 MWe
Steam Turbine Generator : Andritz Hydro HTM-010E04
Water Treatment System : 2800m3 raw water storage
Demineralized Water production system : 30 m3/h
Demineralized water storage capacity 250 m3
A Type Natural Gas pressure regulation and measurement station
Inlet Pressure 35-75 bar
Outlet Pressure 47 bar , 13.000 Sm3/h
Cooling Tower : SPIG
Switchyward and transformers for stepping 11.5 kV up on to 154 kV to sync. and connect to Turkish grid.
The construction duration of the project was approximately 18 months. Below you can see photos of the various sections of the power plant.
